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Divine Debut of Anesthesia?

The scriptures of major religions do not explicitly describe the use of modern anesthesia, as the concept and technology of anesthesia are relatively recent developments in human history. However, there are instances in religious texts that describe states of deep sleep, unconsciousness, or divinely induced trances that could be interpreted…
Anesthesia Techniques
Anesthesiologists employ various techniques and medications to administer anesthesia, tailoring their approach based on the patient’s medical condition, the nature of the surgery, and the desired depth of anesthesia. The primary goal is to induce a state of unconsciousness or analgesia (pain relief) while maintaining physiological stability. Here are some…
Thiopentone Sodium
Commonly Used Drugs in Anesthesia Practice
Anesthesia is a crucial component of modern medicine, enabling surgeons and healthcare providers to perform complex procedures while ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety. Achieving this delicate balance requires the use of various drugs tailored to the individual patient’s needs. Here, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used drugs…
Drugs in Anesthetic Use
911 in Anesthesia: Karl Koller’s Discovery of the First Local Anesthetic

In the realm of medical history, certain moments stand out as pivotal turning points that forever alter the course of patient care and medical practice. One such moment is the discovery of local anesthesia, a revolutionary breakthrough that transformed the field of anesthesia and surgery. At the forefront of this…
The authors and editors of this material have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of treatments, drugs, and dosage regimens that conform to currently accepted standards. However, due to continual changes in information resulting from ongoing research and clinical experience, unique aspects of individual clinical situations, as well as the potential for human error; readers must exercise personal judgment when making a clinical decision. If necessary, it is recommended that they consult and compare information from other sources. In particular circumstances where unfamiliar or infrequently used drugs are prescribed or administered; it is advised that readers check the drug’s product insert beforehand.
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