Clinical Calculator
Clinical calculator helps you to decide the exact modality of treatment by calculating the various parameters and findiings as per latest algorithms and guidelines.
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Chemical composition 2,6,di-iso-propylphenol. It has a pH of 7-8.5. It is available in emulsified formulation containing 1% propofol, 10% soybean oil (provides lipid base), 2.25% glycerol(maintains isotonicity), and 1.2% egg phosphatide (emulsifier). Availability It is available in 20 ml ampoules or vials containing 10 mg/ml. It is also available in…
It is an enantiomer of medetomidine. It acts as an alpha2 agonist although it has mild actions on alpha 1 receptors also. The ratio of 2 to receptor selectivity
The Evolution of Anesthesia: A Journey Through History
The history of anesthesia is a remarkable journey that has transformed the landscape of medicine and surgery. The ability to render patients unconscious during surgical procedures has not only alleviated pain and suffering but also paved the way for unprecedented advancements in medical science. This article explores the fascinating evolution…
The authors and editors of this material have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of treatments, drugs, and dosage regimens that conform to currently accepted standards. However, due to continual changes in information resulting from ongoing research and clinical experience, unique aspects of individual clinical situations, as well as the potential for human error; readers must exercise personal judgment when making a clinical decision. If necessary, it is recommended that they consult and compare information from other sources. In particular circumstances where unfamiliar or infrequently used drugs are prescribed or administered; it is advised that readers check the drug’s product insert beforehand.
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